(2022) 15MINS
For teenager Danny, with regards to musical taste - he did it his way. He got a kick out of Sinatra not Sheeran. Regrets? Potential social isolation. But will his love for Ol' Blue Eyes get under his skin - or be his salvation?
Starring: Jake Doyle, Helena Bereen, Bernadette Brown, James Devlin, Eimear Bailie and Caolan Johnston
Written and Directed by Carleton Rodgers
Produced by Michael Costello & Rachel Coffey
Director of Photography: Carl Quinn
Funded by Northern Ireland Screen and BFI
I'll Be Frank held its world premiere at the BAFTA qualifying Aesthetica Film Festival in November 2022 before launching its North American premiere at the Academy-Award qualifying Chicago International Children's Film Festival.
I'll Be Frank held its West Coast premiere at the Academy-Award qualifying Cinequest Film Festival in the summer of 2023.